Answering Key Questions About Getting Started With Data Annotation

According to a 2020 report on the state of AI and ML, organizations revealed that they were using 25% more data types than the previous year. With such greater differentiation in data types, the need to increase investment in understanding and producing reliable training data followed. In fact, as per experts, the human race may be a long way from realizing the full potential of data through AI, but we are getting there. You may have noticed that self-driving cars have moved farther away from science-fiction and more towards reality. Want to know the science behind this success? It’s DATA ANNOTATION! This technology helps train the AI to identify other vehicles on the road and foot traffic coming in on red lights. Let’s try and answer the basic questions so you can get started with data annotation platform , like what it is, why you need it, and more. What is Data Annotation Exactly? And Why do you need it? Simply put, annotation is the secret ingredient that helps build a defensibl...